Extra Wide Music Stand Adapter Extender



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Extra Wide Music Stand Extender for Music Stands
Extra Wide Music Stand for Electric Pianos and Electric Keyboard
Extra Wide Music Stand Extender for Upright Pianos
Extra Wide Music Stand Extender for Grand Pianos
Extra Wide Music Stand Extender for Hammond Organ
Bell Choir Music Stand
Adapt-A-Stand II
Order your Extra Wide Music Stand

Adapt-A-Stand II click here to view an Adapt-A-Stand II animation

How it works...

Upright Piano Before music flat

Upright Piano After with adjustable music stand

Grand Piano Before with small music stand

Grand Piano After with adjustable music stand upright

Grand Piano After with adjustable music stand tilted

Ivory Grand Piano Before - with small music stand

Ivory Grand Piano After with extra wide adjustable music stand

Ivory Grand Piano After with tilting Adapt-A-Stand II



One of the various tilting settings
How to Purchase
Size Price
10.5" X 46" $78.00
13" X 46" Call for pricing
Adapt-A-Stand II sets on top of your upright piano or grand piano.  The Adapt-A-Stand II has an adjustable setting that lets you control the angle of your music. 
  • This is very accommodating to choir directors who stand at an upright piano while they play. 

  • Jazz pianists, accompanists, and conductors who are used to sitting at a grand piano with the music stand removed and have their music lying flat on the piano, would also greatly benefit using this type of music stand.
Home Music Stands Electric Pianos and Keyboards Upright Pianos Grand Pianos Hammond Organs Bell Choir Adapt-A-Stand II Order FAQs Links